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Is Get Over It by Cheryl Terra Spicy?

Are there sex scenes in the romance novel Get Over It by Cheryl Terra? Find out here!

Overall Verdict:

This book is spicy!


Book Details

Author: Cheryl Terra

Title: Get Over It

Tropes: rock star, traumatic past, sassy heroine, constantly interrupted, sexting


If you're looking for a sweet, swooning heroine who loves first kisses, soul mates, and letting her hair blow romantically in the breeze...

This ain't her.

When the blunt, abrasive, sassy-as-hell-take-no-crap workaholic Aspen Haws is "promoted" against her will, she goes from constantly travelling to a small town in northern Ontario with a dating pool of approximately twelve eligible men.

Luckily, Aspen has no time for love and no desire for commitment. Unluckily, she does have time for no-strings-attached hit-em-and-quit-em hookups... and there's not a lot of that going around Wakeham.

If you're looking for a cocky, confident, bad boy rock star who leaves a trail of broken hearts behind after every show and has a lover in every city...

This ain't him.

Theo Barker's fairytale came true. No one was more surprised than he was when the outcast loser turned world-famous rock star went from being bullied on the playground in Wakeham to the biggest stages in the world. But after his (now ex) girlfriend admits she's only with him for his money, the jaded rock star with a romantic streak decides it's time to go back home and take a break.

Both of these big personalities are immediately intrigued by each other when they collide in the small town of Wakeham: Theo by Aspen's self-assured sensuality and Aspen by Theo's charming smile and genuine kindness. But can these two very, VERY different people overcome the inevitable drama of having two very, very different lifestyles?

How Spicy Is It?

Steam Level:

3 out of 5

Spice Level:

4 out of 5

Kink Level:

2 out of 5

Some scenes feature sexting/phone sex

There is anal play in this book

Trigger Level:

2 out of 5

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What do you think? Is this book spicy?

  • It's very spicy

  • It's pretty spicy

  • It's a little spicy

  • It's not spicy


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